Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Saving myself - Part 1.

Well, it finally happened. My hard drive has completely died.

For the last few months, my 20 gigabyte Xbox 360 hard drive has been playing up. Specifically, it has been busting out an error message called E68.

More harmful than looking at the sun.

I had been trying my best to ignore it. Usually after a quick restart, everything would be okay again and the dashboard would load as normal. When it first happened I lost my mind thinking my Xbox had red-ringed again. But after talking to Microsoft, they told me it was all about the hard drive. 

One light means 'hardware failure'. Four lights means 'AV cable unplugged'. Three lights means 'Oh dude, your Xbox is done.'

That was months ago. This week, my hard drive has finally given up the ghost. Basically saying "Fuck yooooooou!" whenever I fire it up, I have accepted to fact that it's time to upgrade. Now, I have two choices. Since they don't make the 20g model anymore (and that's fine since I need more space anyway), my options come down to the 60g and 120g model. Priced by the minions of Satan, they are $150 and $180 respectively. What a fucking joke.

What choice do I have, though? None. So since I want to save $30 and I don't really need that much space, the 60g model will be fine. Bastards. Apparently because of a relatively constant price drop on the Xbox 360 console itself, Microsoft have stated that they have no plans to reduce the price of the hardware accessories anytime soon. Why? DOLLAR DOLLAR BILL Y'ALL!

"Sup? We at Microsoft got mad duckets up in this bitch!"

Anyway, there's a bit of a catch. How do I transfer my save files and profile to the new hard drive? A transfer kit, that's how. Now, this kit comes bundles with the 120g but not the 60g. I had to make a phonecall to Microsoft to get them to send one out to me. After jumping through a lot of security hoops, they finally told me that because of security reasons (and piracy I assume) I have to purchase the hard drive first and call them back.

So, it begins. Tomorrow I journey to shell out $150 for this fucking thing and then place a call to these bloodsucking bastards. And we'll go from there...

I bet there's probably about ten bucks worth of parts inside this thing.


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