In these troubled times of daily stress, uncertainty and general financial concern, you need to know you can shoot dudes in the face at the push of a button. I know I do and recently, I made this endeavour much easier to enjoy.
Toying on and off with upping my Xbox Live membership to Gold status, I just set it up for the next three months (thanks to the pre-paid card that came with my hard drive). But in the past I've had the console in an awkward position as a result of being a slave to the ethernet cord. Well, no more shall I be chained down by the outdated technology of yesteryear, I've gone wireless baby!

First things first, I know for a fact I'm getting screwed by Microsoft by shelling out for this wireless network adapter. The thing retails at $129.95 and I can tell you now, there ain't $129.95 worth of parts inside it. Anyway, Big W came to the rescue and had a sale on numerous Xbox 360 accessories and kindly dropped the price of the adapter down to $108. Not a huge saving but to hell with it, Microsoft aren't going to cheapen it any further any time soon.
I got the adapter home but before I could start capping fools around the world with my assault rifle, the console didn't recognise that the adapter was plugged in. After a few calls to Microsoft, it turned out that the adapter was faulty. How about that shit? The only fucking adapter that I ever buy and it's a piece of crap. Unlucky or what?

Yeah Riker, you know what I'm saying.
Anyway, I took it back to Big W and the sales girl very kindly made sure that the new adapter she gave in exchange was from a different batch. I took the new one home and BOOYAH it worked just fine. All I had to do was search for my own wireless network and before you could say 'Eat bullet, motherfucker!', I had plenty of motherfuckers eating my bullets.
DISCLAIMER: While I may talk a lot of talk about my face-shooting skills in the war-torn world of Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, I'm actually not that good. But when I take down some dude with a gamertag of ikilledu16 after he's killed me ten times in a row, you better believe I'm punching the air with my fist. Naturally, I feel the need to relay that type of feeling here.
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