Things are really starting to get out of hand with game delays in 2009. Week after week, game after game is delayed from the October/November period of this year to the first quarter of 2010: The Year We Make Contact. Just to clarify, the full list of delayed games are:
Bioshock 2
Mafia 2
Red Dead Redemption
Dark Void
Splinter Cell:Conviction
Red Steel 2
Plus one more: Max Payne 3. Here's the thing. Everyone's up in arms about Bioshock and Mafia and the stupid fucking ridiculousness of Bayonetta, but poor old Max has been relegated to the sidelines. Nobody seems to be upset about Max Payne even though his new look and the game's new direction is really exciting.

Grumble, kill, grumble, wife, grumble, bullets, grumble.
Apparently, the game is set 12 years after Max Payne 2 and the NYPD is no longer part of Max's life. He now lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil and works in private security. Also, the game is no longer being made by Remedy Studios. Rockstar Vancouver has taken over development duties for Max's third outing and since their previous effort was the wonderfully enjoyable Bully, it could be a good thing.
What can Rockstar Vancouver do though? From the look of him, Max has undergone a few changes. But after having his wife and child murdered by junkies via a corporate conspiracy and then being framed for murder and watching his second chance at love die in his arms, it's understandable he might be a bit run-down in appearance. That, and that fact that he's wasted hundreds upon hundreds of people might keep him up at night too.
Grumble, trees, grumble, guns, grumble, cargo pants, grumble.
Here's the most intriguing part. What kind of hell can Max go through from here? Apparently, he's developed an addiction to painkillers and looks as if he sleeps in dumpsters, but can he actually be punished any further? Wouldn't he have gone insane by now? Or is he just a sociopath who bottles his rage until the moments when he holds two guns? Is that the only way he can feel alive anymore? How much more can life kick him in the face before this guy finally goes down?
Regardless of any of these questions, it seems to be a moot point for anyone with the delay of so many big titles. Industry analyst Michael Pachter from investment firm Wedbush Morgan came out this week to state that game developers are pretty disorganised when it comes to release dates and you know what? He's fucking right.
So where does that leave Max? For his third outing, he may have to just have go all 'Passion of the Christ' on us and have the shit beaten out of him for the entire game. Just to show these doubting folks that he can take it and get back up again. Because I can tell you, Max will be around longer than that idiotic Bayonetta woman.
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